Living Room

Living Room
My Little Cottage

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Another Late Night Post...(this could become a habit~lol)

Hello Dear Ones,

After a really good L-O-N-G nap on my reclining sofa this evening (causing me to miss Grey's Anatomy~grrr) I am now wide awake at 1:30AM. I have been doing this a LOT lately so I thought I would take advantage of my owl-like, late night alertness and hit the old blog for a minute to say, "hello" and do a little post. I have a bunch of pictures that I should be posting but that will just have to wait as they are still on my camera and not edited and formatted for the blog world :-) I am still working at Mr. Sewing Machine and have started taking in light mending in an effort to begin my way back to working completely at home by this time next year. I really miss being at home during the afternoon hours and working with Caleb on his schooling. I am also thinking of putting together a collection of wares for a booth at some of the spring and fall craft festivals during the upcoming year. More on this endeavor later. I am starting to get a bit drowsy again and my hubby just popped around the doorway and asked if I was ready to head upstairs for some shut-eye. I love the old cottage at night~so very peaceful here. Good night to all and I hope to be posting again in the next couple of days and include the photos I have taken.

Hugs to all and Stay Cozy,
Charlotte <3 data-blogger-escaped-="data-blogger-escaped-" script="script" src="" type="text/javascript">

1 comment:

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I know about late night sojourns. Every now and then, I do that, too.

Have you thought about selling on etsy? That's an alternative for handmade items. A lot of bloggers seem to do that.

Wishing you a Happy Fall...

