Living Room

Living Room
My Little Cottage

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Late Night Note

Ever been tired, but it's a good tired? That is exactly how I am feeling right now. Today has been such a great day and I got so much accomplished around the old cottage. For starters I put together my first ever batch of homemade laundry detergent! I have been wanting to try this for at least a year or two but just hadn't gotten a round to it (oh, the ever elusive "round TUIT"~why can't we ever seem to find one of those when you need it~lol!) It was so much easier than I had thought it would be to make and I LOVE the way it cleaned our clothes! I also appreciate that the homemade version does not leave any chemical residue. I know my skin will thank me for that. I did four loads of clothes and was very pleased with the results, even on the really grungy stuff.

I also did more apples today and we now have another four containers in the freezer for use this winter. I have peppers to process tomorrow. We will also be going to visit with my brother-in-law at my mother in law's house tomorrow. It is the first time in three years that he has been able to make the trip in and we are really looking forward to getting in a good visit with him.

I am really tired and ready for a good night's rest, but just had to post a bit before I turned in. I will leave you with a few pictures of the apples and some shots of the little veggie garden beside our storage building. Hope that you all have a blessed Labor Day weekend!

HUGS and Stay Cozy,


1 comment:

Janet, said...

Those apples do look good. We used to get lots of apples from our trees, but now that they are older we don't get as much. We have a few nice ones this year, maybe I'll freeze some or make some apple butter.