Living Room

Living Room
My Little Cottage

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Loss For Words

Do you ever just go through a spell where, no matter how hard you try, the words just don't seem to come together? Well, I guess we all do from time to time, I mean, otherwise we wouldn't have the term "writer's block", would we? Well, I have definitely been going through one of those spells lately. I just can't seem to come up with anything I really want to post, and when I do have an inspiration, I just can't seem to get the right words to express my thoughts. Be patient, you know me well enough by now and rest assured I will get my words back sometime soon. Hoping that you are all enjoying the fall season.

Until later, Stay Cozy,

1 comment:

Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

:( I got excited & thought you was back. Your blog is the first blog i ever saw & it inspired me SO much. I hope your words come back soon!!