Living Room

Living Room
My Little Cottage

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Wonderful Find

Good morning, dear ones,

I am having one of those days where my mind just seems to be traveling to old and familiar places. You know the kind, quiet, reflective, focused on family life and home and the things that matter most in this life. I had started yesterday with many worries on my mind, real and perceived.  I was concerned with our finances(never enough no matter who we are, right) my parent's health, the problems of the grown children (no matter how old they are, they are still our babies) and other things that occasionally cross my poor, weary brain. I took a little break from work and worry and retreated to my favorite chair in our living room, the one beside the big round table where I keep some of my favorite poetry books. I was reading one of my favorite Helen Steiner Rice books when I happened to think about something I saw in the small cedar chest in our dining room the last time my daughter was snooping in there. I went and got it out and realized just what a TREASURE I had in my hands, the very thing I needed to help lift me from my self-indulgent worry. About 17 years ago my cousin, Kay, had typed up some of the wonderful family stories told by my mom and my oldest aunt. She did this for a family reunion and everyone there got a copy to take home. I was SPELLBOUND!!! I had forgotten some of these and had totally forgotten that my mom had her own section because, as the last little un-expected baby, she had memories that were much different than those of the older siblings. It was a wonderful, sentimental journey and today I am just feeling wistful and so very grateful that God saw fit to place me in such a wonderful earthly family. I am also so very glad that He has given me a wonderful inheritance into His family through my loving Savior, His son, Jesus. I am a very blessed girl, indeed...

Love to all and
Stay Cozy,


Shirley said...

I Charlotte, I found this post fitting me. I seem to have a lot of time to myself now that I am retired, and my mind tends to worry over such things as my married daughters and their families. I sometimes feel so alone in my worries. I think of my granddaughters and grandson. I remember them as the little ones who spent a lot of time with me and were my, they have grown and don't spend time with ma ma anymore. I have said that it feels almost like those little ones that were so much a part of my life have died and no longer exist. I have to ask God to help me because such feelings can be so depressing. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your post. God bless.

Janet said...

what a treasure to find those family stories written down from years ago.