Living Room

Living Room
My Little Cottage

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Little Poetry

Simple Pleasures
Virginia Borman Grimmer

I like a simple little house
With flowers by the door,
An ample larder for my needs
And not much more in store.

I like a window toward the sun
And doors that open wide,
The trickle of a bath for birds
With feathered friends beside.

I like a tidy nook inside
Where my books and slippers lie,
A cup for tea, a magazine,
And warming hearth nearby.

I like some trinkets on the sills,
White ruffles at the panes,
The comfort of a sturdy roof
To shelter me from rains.

I like the Cozy ambience,
A place of sweet retreat
Where life unfolds along the way
And each new day's a treat.

This poem is one of my all time favorites and the inspiration behind the Cozy Home name for my business, homeschool and my publishing projects. Doesn't it just make you want to cuddle into your favorite chair with a book and a cup of tea?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What a wonderful picture of a cozy little home!