Living Room

Living Room
My Little Cottage

Monday, July 12, 2010

A True Southern Beauty

Wow, how quickly time has passed me by this morning (and most of the afternoon)!!! I had grand intentions of blogging first thing this morning, but it is now almost 3:00 and I am just now getting on my dear little blog to post something new for you to read. I have been busy straightening the office/classroom, vacuuming and taking care of all the usual Monday morning chores. In addition, I have been flipping through fabric books for a client that needs something pretty in brown and gold to cover a window seat. I LOVE flipping through the fabric many PRETTY fabrics! I have to get some other things started, but wanted to post a link to a GORGEOUS set of house plans from EPlans. There are hundreds of plan sites on the web, but I love their plans the best. They have so many nice cottage and traditional styles to choose from and their room layouts are wonderful. This one is a REAL Georgia PEACH, if ever I did see one, I do declare!!!

I just LOVE the side porches and the fan light over the front door!!! Not to mention the HUGE Livingroom/Dining room combo with dual fireplaces~WOW!!! If you are building and want to order the plans, please enter the site through one of my banner ads. I would be ever so appreciative of your kind thoughtfulness. Sending you sweet southern hugs and hoping that your day is going well!!!

Stay Cozy and Cool,


The Quintessential Magpie said...

That is just GORGEOUS, and you have the perfect background music playing. Lovely!


Sheila :-)

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Beautiful! Your taste is like mine. LOOOVVE the porches. My house has them 3/4 the way around, and the back porch is 12' deep. our contractor tried to talk us out of that "too deep--wasted space," but it was one of the best moves I've made. In Arkansas we can use it most of the year! C